Blog - Abusive Relationships - Life With Options

Blog - Abusive Relationships

Your Future Self

Do you ever think about your future self? I know the concept sounds a little random but do you think about your future self? This idea was odd to me at the start but I had heard a few people say “my future self-will appreciate that.” Ok well they were more talking about it in

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The World Won’t Take You Serious Until You Take YOU Seriously!

How do you view yourself? What is the story that you have playing in your mind? Are you someone who deserves your dreams to come true? Or are you someone who doesn’t deserve anything in this life time? It is a really challenging thought and requires some brutal real talk. You can not ‘beat around

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Learn To Say No

Sometimes you just have to say no. Right now as I sit to write this I’m unable to find the quote that rings in my mind when I think of this topic. I’ll aim to simplify it. “It’s not the things we said yes to that made us a success, it was the things we

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Perfection: The Dream Killer

Do you call yourself a Perfectionist? Growing up we came through an educational system that rewarded the idea of perfection and sometimes overlooked the effort put in. Sure this can have it’s plus’ where it encourages you to perfect the subject at hand. But this might bring you praise in the education system but striving

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How To Be Happy!

This had been a question of mine for many years… How to be happy? It can seem to be a fairly logical question. Just do what makes you happy! See that is the common response but every month there is 100,000 to 1 million searches on google for this exact topic ‘How to be happy.’

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How Not To Care!

On Your Journey Learn How Not To Care So Much… Is about how not to care so much about needing the results. Rather to open up and allow them to flow in. This blog serves as a window in which I can impart knowledge. it allows me to openly express the journey to the end

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New to Meditation?

I started to explore meditation some years ago and like many at first it sounded like the hardest thing to do. Especially if you’re someone who’s brain at times drives yourself crazy! What I have grown to understand is that meditation is as individual as the sound of your own voice. It is an exploration

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The Art Of Self Love

Ok ok, let me start by saying, those of you who looked at the title and your mind went to the gutter… This is NOT the ‘self-love’ that you do on one of those lonely Friday nights whilst you’re home alone with your only company being an x rated website… This is not that at

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Practice The Art Of Forgiveness.

The art of forgiveness?? What has that got to do with business?? In fact it has a lot and well lets be honest practising the art of forgiveness should be a key element of life in general but for the sake if the context I am going to focus on business. Before I do that

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How badly do you REALLY want that life?

Have you ever had anyone tell you to slow down? Or perhaps the opposite, you have had people question how bad you really want what you say? So what is this all about?  In this day and age as more and more people search for their purpose and decide to chase their dream it is

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Why is gratitude important?

I am writing this blog post as I sit on the balcony of my hotel room at the Hyatt Regency in Maui, Hawaii. The sound of the waves echoing through the night only metres away, but the purpose of this blog is not to talk about why I’m in Hawaii but more so an element

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