Media - Life With Options


My Journey… And a blast from the past!

I need to see tangible results… This is something that I have heard time and time again from prospective clients when I have an initial Clarity Call with them. At times it doesn’t just stop there, it flows on through the time we are working together…. AND I totally get it! Coaching can be a

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Why Do People Abuse Others?

What drives someone to abuse another person? If we’re going to talk about how to talk about how to support someone who has been on the receiving end of an abusive relationship, then it is also important to talk about why does the person abuse others? You might be thinking this topic seem’s less important

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How to support a friend who has been though an abusive relationship?

Abusive relationships are more common than you might think, how to be that support? As time passes, more and more women are becoming more comfortable to speak of their abusive relationships. Yet it is still a very delicate topic for many! And not specifically for the reason you might think. For many women who have

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Is it still abuse if he was drunk?

At what point is it not abuse? I’m not going to keep you waiting to know where I stand on this topic, abuse is NEVER acceptable no matter the circumstances! Now with that said let me get into this topic as I have intended, yet first…. Why am I addressing this topic? I mean why

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What is an abusive relationship?

What is an abusive relationship… Abusive in relationships is a topic that we may find ourselves falling down a large rabbit hole as we start to uncover it all, but for the focus of this blog I will keep it at a high overview level. Let’s start with a defining what is abuse, as for

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